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Autumn's Calling (Book 1): The Outbreak Page 2
Autumn's Calling (Book 1): The Outbreak Read online
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“Yes, ma’am. We’ve been driving all night and I don’t think I can last another minute out there on the highway. I hope you don’t mind my dog staying with me...” I answered her shyly, feeling embarrassed about my eye.
“Of course not, dear. We welcome everyone, even our furry friends,” she exclaimed reaching down to pat Daisy on the head. Daisy broke out her goofy smile, tongue lolling about uncontrollably. You couldn’t help but love her and she always made people around her smile.
“Well in that case we are very happy to find this beautiful place,” I told the nice lady as she led me to a small check in desk.
“I just need you to fill out this guest sheet and we will have you in a room in a New York minute,” she smiled and handed me a pen and paper and I handed her cash. I didn’t want to use my credit card and have the chance of Luke tracking me down. We got our room key and headed up the gleaming wooden staircase to the second floor. The main lobby held an old world sheen, as if built centuries ago, and was absolutely stunning. I slowly walked the stairs, taking in the beautiful decor, eventually making it to the right door.
Our room looked so crisp and clean, everything done in shades of white and blue. I walked straight to the bed and collapsed onto it. The blankets smelled like sun dried linens and it was heaven for a moment. I decided right then and there that I made the right decision leaving.
Maybe this happened for a reason. Maybe Luke and I weren’t meant to be together. Maybe everything I did in my life up until now was a mistake. Before my thoughts could take over and I got sucked into the abyss of my mind, I picked up the phone and dialed the front desk.
“Hello? How may I assist you, dear?” Mrs. Beatrice, (or Bea, she told me to call her), asked in her sweet voice.
“Do you offer any room service, Mrs... I mean, Bea?”
“We are at your service for anything you need, Miss Reed. What can we bring you and your furry friend to eat?”
“You can call me Autumn, and we will take whatever you recommend, I trust your judgment.”
“Of course, Autumn. I hear the chicken soup and turkey club is very tasty, and I’ll see what the cooks can whip up for Miss Daisy. Give us about ten minutes and we will bring it up, dear.”
“That sounds delicious! Thank you so much for your hospitality, we are so grateful.”
“Oh nonsense, we want you to enjoy your stay with us. I am grateful to have such a nice young lady staying at our humble abode.”
“Well, I appreciate that very much. After we eat, Daisy and I will probably take a nap, so I’ll see you later this afternoon. Once again, thank you.”
“You are very welcome. Eat and get some rest. I’ll make sure you have the peace and quiet you need. See you soon.” We hung up.
After Daisy and I ate all we could, which was pretty much every delicious bite, we curled up on the bed with her golden head lying next to mine. My hand lay on her warm soft fur as I fell asleep looking at my one true friend in this crazy and confusing world.
Chapter 5
“Autumn, wake up Autumn,” I heard someone whispering to me. My eyes flew open, but it was so dark I couldn’t tell where, or who, it came from. I rose up from the bed and swung my legs over the side to stand. But my toes hit something wet, cold and squishy. My feet jerked back like someone hit me with a reflex hammer.
“It’s okay Autumn, come here, I want to show you something,” the voice whispered again. Straining my eyes to make out my surroundings, everything absolutely pitch black, I couldn’t see a thing. Stricken with fear, but also curious, I stepped off the bed onto that disgusting floor. My toes sunk into the liquid soaked carpet underneath me. My heart raced and I could hear the pulsing in my ears.
“Where are you? Who’s there?” I questioned, my own voice shaking and barely a whisper. Moving forward, I bumped into something about knee height. I reached out in attempt to feel what it was, and my hands touched clumpy, wet fur. “Oh my God,” I gasped as I lost my balance, pulling back from what was in front of me, and fell backwards on my behind. Then I heard creepy, sinister laughing coming from the other side of the room. ‘Where am I?’ I thought to myself as I struggled to get back on my feet, which was not an easy task due to the wet slimy carpet underneath me.
I heard footsteps. Their shoes making a mushy sound against the carpet with every step they took. My heart thumped so hard in my chest, I thought any minute it would burst through. Then I saw a spark to my left and a small flame inside of a glass lantern started to light up the room slowly, casting shadows that danced along the walls and ceiling. I finally realized I was still in my room at the Inn.
The footsteps sounded directly behind me now. I slowly turned around to meet face to face with the person that owned that bone chilling voice, only to find Luke staring me in the eyes from only inches away. But not the Luke I know. This man favored the victim of an evil force possessing his human body and began to decay. His eyes were completely black, as if his pupils expanded until all other colors disappeared. His skin looked a sickening gray color with blotches of purple and blue.
I shrieked and tried to pull away before he grabbed me by the throat and spun me around to show that the clumps of wet fur were my sweet Daisy. She had been butchered and left there as a gruesome display for my benefit. My heart stopped and tears welled up in my eyes. But before I could show one second of grief and sorrow for her, the monster that took over Luke’s body turned me to face him and tightened his grip around my throat. I struggled to break free of him but he was so incredibly strong.
“You thought you could hide from me, but I will always be able to find you. No matter where you go, I will find you,” he breathed in my face, the smell emanating from his rotten mouth made my stomach heave painfully. He squeezed my throat tighter until I began to see spots and I finally gave up the fight. I already lost my best friend, and I knew I couldn’t hide from him now. So I let myself fade away, at the hands of the man I once loved, into the darkness that I knew I would never return from.
Chapter 6
I woke up gasping for air and coughing until I thought my head would explode. My heart thumped double time against my sweat soaked chest. Perspiration covered my body and my clothes were glued to me. Along with my hair stuck to my neck and face. I looked around and found Daisy sitting up in bed staring at me with concerned eyes.
“Oh, thank god. Daisy, it was just a dream!” I crawled over to her. Hugged her with all my might, I kissed her furry cheek. She eventually realized I was okay and returned the kiss with a wet slobbery one on my own cheek. “It seemed so real, I thought you were gone… I thought I was gone,” I whispered to her, running my hand up and down her silken hair. Tears trickled down my cheeks, before I knew it, from the relief of waking from that nightmare.
I stood, wiping my tears, and looked out the window. It was still daylight outside, but the evening was drawing near. The southwest side of the house fell in soft shadows. I stared out looking over the tranquil orchard and pond, and took a deep breath, so thankful to be alive.
Beside the pond, a dark haired man sat on an old wooden bench, reading a book. I glimpsed a side view of him, and from this distance he seemed to be remarkably handsome. His shoulder length wavy hair, as black as raven’s feathers with subtle blue highlights, was shining in the sun. His golden brown skin looked wonderful next to the blue shirt he wore. As if he sensed me watching him, he turned his eyes to meet mine. Even from here I could see they were a piercing blue. But not just any blue. They echoed the color of tropical turquoise seas. I gazed at him, completely mesmerized. Before I could snap out of it and turn away, he smiled and waved at me. His smile was just as beautiful as the rest of him. I cracked a smile in return, that I’m sure looked goofy and waved back.
Stepping backwards quickly, so he didn’t think I was a total freak just standing there staring at him, I fell over Daisy who decided to stand right behind me. I hit the floor as she ran out from underneath me to save herself. Stunned for a moment until I regained
my composure, then I burst out laughing. Daisy wagged her fluffy tail and began licking me to death while I lay on the floor giggling like a mental patient without their meds.
It seemed crazy, only moments ago; I awoke from one of the most horrible nightmares imaginable. Thinking that I lost my Daisy; traces of tears still on my cheeks. Now I lay on the floor laughing and giddy from a stranger waving at me; a beautiful stranger that is. “I think I may be losing my marbles, Daisy.” Once my laughing spell wore off, I jumped up and grabbed a change of clothes so I could take a hot shower and get out of these smelly, sweaty scrubs I still wore from my shift last night. It’s insane how much happened since then. Then a thought hit me.
“Oh no, I bet Jess or Mom has tried to reach me,” I said out loud and tossed my clothes back on the bed to dig through my bag for my cell phone. Twelve missed calls, ten of them from my mom, of course. I pressed her name so my phone would call her back. It rang only once and then she picked up.
“Oh my goodness, Autumn! Are you okay? Where are you? I’ve been calling you since 7 o’clock this morning,” she talked so fast, sounding freaked out.
“Mom I’m okay, calm down. I’ve been asleep and didn’t hear my phone ringing,” I said in a calming voice, so she would stop freaking out.
“Where are you, sweetie?” Crap, what was I supposed to tell her? If I told her that Luke came home and hit me she would automatically call the police, no questions asked.
“Mom, I’m staying with a friend a couple towns away for a few days. Luke and I got in a fight and I needed to get away from him.”
She took a deep breath and blew it out into the phone, “Well you could’ve come here, Autumn, I always have a room for you here if you need it.” My throat started to close up and tears filled my eyes.
“I know, I just wanted to go somewhere that he couldn’t bother me, I’m fine really.” It would break her heart if I told her I was five hours away and have no plans of going home anytime soon.
“Well, if you need to talk about it you know I’ll always listen, and sometimes even give good advice,” she assured me with a small laugh.
“Your advice is always good, Mom. I’ll be okay though. Just got to work through some issues.” I couldn’t admit that Luke and I are over and I am trying to hide from him.
“Okay sweetie, just call and check in from time to time so your old woman of a mother doesn’t worry herself gray headed. I hope you get everything worked out between you guys.”
“I know. But right now I need to take a shower and get something to eat. I’ll call you soon. Love you Mom,” I said, with the tears I tried fighting silently rolling down my cheeks.
“Love you too, baby girl. Take care of yourself. Talk to you soon,” then she hung up. I felt horrible for lying to her. But I’d rather feel awful about lying, than breaking her heart with the truth. I needed a couple of days to come up with a better story to tell her. For now, I felt disgusting and a shower remained my top priority. I picked up my clothes again and padded across the soft cream colored carpet to the stark white bathroom to take care of that.
Chapter 7
Standing in the shower, the steamy water beat down on my tired body. I got lost in my thoughts for a moment, wishing I could have told my mother the truth. I was one of the few people she had left in this world. We tragically lost my dad to cancer four years ago. He fought it for so long and suffered miserably to get those few last months with his family. He was an amazing, hardworking man, and my idol.
We owned a hardware store back in my hometown, passed down for generations. Dad worked there with his father and grandpa since he was a young boy. My mom, Grace, still ran the business with the help of her brother, Uncle Andrew.
I missed my dad so much my heart ached; the pain of losing him still fresh even after four years. He was such a good dad and always there for me, even when I didn’t deserve it. It would mean the world to me if I could just hug him once again and hear that everything would be okay. He never got the chance to meet Luke, but I always thought that they would have hit it off, both of them crazy about football. But now that doesn’t matter anymore. I know if he was still alive today and found out what Luke did to me, he would kill him and hide the body. Because that’s what dad’s do for their daughters and mine was no exception. “Oh, if only you were still here, Dad,” I whispered, hoping he could hear me. I stood there in the shower, with my head hanging down, feeling lost.
Then I thought of those turquoise blue eyes I saw only a short while ago and that shining black hair… he was so lovely. Hope brewed for another chance to see him, and possibly meet him, before he moved along on his journey. Better not waste any time then. Plus I’m sure Daisy had to go potty… like yesterday.
I scrubbed down in record time and jumped out of shower wrapping a big fluffy white towel around my bruised back. “Ouch!” I shrieked, turning to see my backside in the large oval mirror. A blue and purple bruise stretched across my lower back from hitting the island Luke threw me into. Seeing it brought that anger, I hid deep inside of me, bubbling back up to the surface. I hated him for what he did to Daisy and I. All the years I’ve been so good to him and this is how he repays me. Forcing me to leave my own home; run away from my family and everyone I loved. We didn’t deserve this. I took deep breaths; in and out, in and out. Trying to shove that anger back inside before it could take over and make me do something stupid I would regret later, when my mind cleared.
I stared at myself in the mirror; my pale, creamy white skin flushed pink from the hot water. My long, wavy auburn hair, that turned brown when wet, dripped water down my arms and back. My glistening emerald eyes looked a little shocky from the lack of sleep and trauma of last night. The bruise underneath my right eye on the ridge of my high cheekbone stuck out like a sore thumb against my fair skin. I shook my head in disgust and dried off my feminine curves. A little weight found me in the past year, but I felt comfortable in my skin though. My mom always said I looked too thin before, but now she says I look healthy. I’m still muscular and exercised as much as possible because a girl as short as me can plump up in no time. So I had feminine curves in all the right places, which was fine with me.
Walking into our bedroom to get dressed, Daisy jumped to her feet to greet me with a wagging tail and slobbers on my hand. I knew she wanted out of this little room to get some fresh air,. The feeling was mutual.
I threw on my favorite pair of blue jeans, worn out from being washed a thousand times over the years so there were little holes and broken threads at the knees. Paired with them was a purple Pink Floyd band t-shirt, white socks and sneakers. It felt so good to be clean and to put on fresh clothes. Ah, the little things in life. I towel dried my hair the best I could, knowing Daisy would lose patience if I tried to blow dry it, then hooked her leash to her collar and headed out the door.
Down in the front lobby, I spotted Mrs. Bea dusting some old portraits on the wall. “Good evening, Mrs. Bea,” I called to her as she turned around to the sound of us approaching.
“Well, good evening to you too, dear. I trust that you got some rest and hope you enjoyed your food we sent up.” That southern accent made me wonder where she originally came from.
“Of course we enjoyed the food, we almost licked the plates afterwards. Actually, I think Daisy here did just that,” I said laughing. “I got a little rest also. By the way, I have to ask. Your accent isn’t from anywhere around here, so I’m curious to know where you’re from?”
“Oh yes, I’m originally from Georgia. My family migrated to the northwest shortly after World War II. We lost almost everything and decided to try to make a life for ourselves here in Washington, which worked in our favor, thank goodness. My Henry and I, Henry is my husband, opened the Colonial Inn back in 1970. Been here ever since. We love this place and hope to see it continue to make others as happy as it has made us.” Her face was beaming with nostalgia and pride.
“Well, that I am sure of, Mrs. Bea. This place is a hidden treasure
and I don’t know about everyone else but I have felt nothing but safety and comfort since we arrived.” Besides the horrid nightmare I just endured, but she didn’t need to hear about that.
“It makes my day to hear that, Autumn, thank you. Now is there anything I can get you or do for you this minute?”
“I think we’re just fine for the moment, I know Miss Daisy here needs to do her doggy business. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to take her on a stroll and get some fresh air. I’m dying to check out your beautiful orchard and pond. It looks like something out of a magazine,” I told her as we started for the front door.
“Of course, dear. Go and enjoy the scenery and fresh air. The apples are ripe and free for the picking, so help yourself. I’ll catch up with you two later on.” So out we went into the cool evening breeze to see the wonders this picture perfect place could offer us.
Chapter 8
Strolling through the orchard, the aroma of fresh, juicy ripened apples filled my senses. I stopped and took a few deep breaths to enjoy the crisp clean smell. Daisy pulled tight on the leash, walking me instead of me walking her, thrilled to be outside again and bursting with excitement. I laughed at her acting so overjoyed, “Daisy slow down or you’re going to be dragging me around here soon. Goofy pup.” She turned to me tongue hanging out, panting from her jumping and running around. Suddenly, she paused and sat down, staring past me with her head cocked sideways like she saw something interesting.
“Beautiful dog you’ve got there,” a voice said from behind me. I jumped at first, then slowly spun around to meet the black haired, blue eyed hottie that sat by the pond earlier. “Hi, I’m Leland,” he informed me, reaching his hand out. I hesitated for a second, then shook it gently. His hand was so warm. “I came out here for a stroll and saw you guys. Thought I’d introduce myself, since you are the only other person staying here. That was you in the window earlier, right?”